Help non-profits educate, unite, heal the world.

Use your words to speak in a kind way. Help others as you go throughout your day...
Use your words to speak in a kind way. Help others as you go throughout your day…

If you didn’t have a chance to visit the International Non-Profits Fair in Balboa Park today, here are some photos that might inspire you. I walked through and met many smiling people, all of whom are working unselfishly to make this world a better place.

The fair, put on by The Worldview Project, is all about people from different cultures coming together for mutual understanding, increased tolerance, education and peace. It’s about positive people working to create a better, more happy world. I just strolled through casually, talking to some exhibitors and learning a little, taking a picture here and there. Perhaps you’ll see something that makes you want to explore further. Click the photos to enlarge them, if you’d like to read a poster or bit of information!

People in San Diego's Balboa Park have gathered to learn how to make the world a better place. Many non-profits were represented at an annual fair put on by The Worldview Project.
People in San Diego’s Balboa Park have gathered to learn how to make the world a better place. Many non-profits were represented at an annual fair put on by The Worldview Project.
Some of the values highlighted at the Kids For Peace table. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Some of the values highlighted at the Kids For Peace table. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Nice ladies from the United Nations Association of the USA, San Diego Chapter, smile for a roving blogger's camera!
Nice ladies from the United Nations Association of the USA, San Diego Chapter, smile for a roving blogger’s camera!
A few musical instruments from around the world were on display at this table.
A few musical instruments from around the world were on display at this table.
The Center for World Music promotes awareness, skills and knowledge of the rich performing arts traditions of the world in San Diego area schools.
The Center for World Music promotes awareness, skills and knowledge of the rich performing arts traditions of the world in San Diego area schools.
The San Diego Asian Film Festival is coming up! It runs April 28 to May 5 at the UltraStar theater in Hazard Center.
The San Diego Asian Film Festival is coming up! It runs April 28 to May 5 at the UltraStar movie theater in Hazard Center.
These friendly folks are representing the German American Societies, who host El Cajon's authentic Oktoberfest!
These friendly folks are representing the German American Societies, who host El Cajon’s authentic Oktoberfest!
More nice people! These guys tried without success to get me to dance. Sorry! The Cabrillo International Folk Dancers meet at the Balboa Park Club.
More nice people! These guys tried without success to get me to dance. Sorry! The Cabrillo International Folk Dancers meet at the Balboa Park Club.
CRY America has a hopeful vision of the world, where all children, everywhere, have equal opportunities to develop to their full potential and realize their dreams.
CRY America has a hopeful vision of the world, where all children, everywhere, have equal opportunities to develop to their full potential and realize their dreams.
Survivors of Torture International. Sometimes we might forget how horrible life for some in this world can be, and the unspeakable suffering they experience.
Survivors of Torture International. Sometimes we might forget how horrible life for some in this world can be, and the unspeakable suffering they experience.
One way to help Survivors of Torture International is to enroll in a free community program when you shop at Ralph's. Please read this poster for more info.
One way to help Survivors of Torture International is to enroll in a free community program when you shop at Ralph’s. Please read this poster for more info.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County needs you! Operation Bigs seeks civilian, retired and active military adult volunteers to serve military children.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County needs you! Operation Bigs seeks civilian, retired and active military adult volunteers to serve military children.
Map of San Diego County shows hundreds of children ready to be matched with caring adults. We need more bigs!
Map of San Diego County shows hundreds of children ready to be matched with caring adults. They need more “bigs”!
Climate Kids educate youth about climate change through art, storytelling and science.
Climate Kids educates youth about climate change through art, storytelling and science.
The American Red Cross of San Diego and Imperial Counties was represented at the international non-profits fair in Balboa Park.
The American Red Cross of San Diego and Imperial Counties was represented at the International Non-Profits Fair in Balboa Park.
License to Freedom works to stop violence in refugee and immigrant communities in San Diego County.
License to Freedom works to stop violence in refugee and immigrant communities in San Diego County.
You are loved. Your are so strong. You are worthy. Life is beautiful!
You are loved. Your are so strong. You are worthy. Life is beautiful!

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Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

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